For worries or concerns about staff contact Mark Senior, our Designated Safeguarding Lead.
Tel: 01275 854134 Email:
For worries or concerns about pupils please contact Cheri Frost, Deputy Safeguarding Lead.
Tel: 01275 854134 Email:
Parents report their child is safe at school. Pupils report they feel safe at school. This is because we have children's safety and well-being as a key priority and have strong safeguarding procedures; We follow safer recruitment practices when appointing new staff and volunteers.
All staff and volunteers are given clear guidance in how to behave and work with children and young adults. They are highly vigilant and report any concerns they have about a child's well-being swiftly. We will always talk with parents if concerns have been noted and will keep them informed should we feel it is necessary for us to report these concerns to another agency. Children know they can talk about their worries to an adult they trust.
We have safe computer access, with keyword monitoring and secure internet filtering and we train children and staff in e-safety. We also provide guidance to parents on e-safety.
Our safeguarding procedures are monitored termly by Pam Pollard our safeguarding governor, who has noted that we continuously seek to review and further secure procedures to keep everyone on the site safe.
Mental Health
Most staff are trained in Schools Mental Health First Aid and there are always trained staff ready to support pupils with any mental health difficulties they may have.
Our school Designated Senior Lead for Mental Health is Cheri Frost who looks at the strategic support for everyone within the school with mental health worries or concerns. Cheri also provides training and advice for staff supporting our pupils with Mental Health needs.
Our Deputy Mental Health Leads are:
• Mark Senior, who oversees staff wellbeing and mental health.
• Cheri Frost, who runs the operational support for pupils struggling with their mental health needs and who require school-based interventions or referrals to more specialised support.
• Carla Dymond and Georgia McNulty, who support parents / carers with any concerns.
Mike Evans is our School Governor with responsibility for mental health.
For more details see the school's Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy.
If you’re worried that a child or young person is at risk or is being abused contact the children’s social care team at their local council.
You’ll be asked for your details, but you can choose not to share them.
Call 999 if the child is at immediate risk, or call the police on 101 if you think a crime has been committed.
What to report
Child abuse includes physical, sexual and emotional abuse, and neglect. You can read more about the signs of child abuse.
You don’t need to be sure that a child or young person has been abused - it’s OK to report a suspicion.
What happens when you report it
The person who answers your call will decide what to do. For example, they might:
• gather more information
• ask a social worker to look into it
• contact the police
They won’t be able to tell you what happens next, because of confidentiality.
Get advice
Contact the NSPCC if you want to discuss your concerns and get advice.
NSPCC (for adults)
Telephone: 0808 800 5000
Find out about call charges
ChildLine (for children and young people)
Telephone: 0800 1111 (free)
The ChildLine number won’t show up on your phone bill if you call from a landline or from most mobile networks.