Pupil Premium funding was introduced in April 2011. The funding is provided in addition to the main Special School funding from the LA and is intended to help disadvantaged pupils, so that the school can improve their progress and ‘close the gap’ between disadvantaged children and their peers. A high percentage of our pupils receive Pupil Premium funding – we are in the highest quintile on the Ofsted School Data Dashboard.
• Pupils who have been registered for Free School Meals (FSM) at any point in the last six years
• Children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months
• Children who live with families other than their own through a legal order
• Children of armed services personnel
It is our ambition for children in receipt of Pupil Premium to succeed as well or better than other children at Ravenswood School. We plan and use the funding to support these disadvantaged children to overcome barriers in their learning.
To ensure the best possible outcomes for pupils in receipt of pupil premium, we use research evidence to plan appropriate interventions.
School Level Behaviour Support:
• Planning and designing behaviour programmes.
• Supporting class teams in behaviour management.
• Liaising with other professionals supporting the child, to ensure an integrated approach between school and home.
Social and Emotional Learning in small groups:
• Anger management
• Building self-esteem pupil
• Developing self-control
• Developing resilience
Speech and Language interventions:
• Speech and language assistance, individual and small group work
• Ipad/ Communication aid and training to use.
Family Support:
• Working with individual families to gain parental engagement
• Liaising with Virtual School and social care professionals to ensure the well-being and progress of pupils who are CLA.
• Planning and designing attendance plans for individual children.
Curriculum Enhancement:
• Free weekly music tuition for CLA pupils
• Half-price weekly music tuition for FSM pupils
“Additional sources of funding have been well spent and their impact has been clearly measured. Pupil premium funding has helped pupils to close progress gaps with their peers and primary sports funding has helped to increase the skills and confidence of other staff to teach PE. Year7 catch-up funding has helped to prepare new pupils to the school more effectively”. Ofsted 2014.
Our effective support to disadvantaged pupils and their families leads them to making similar progress in Reading, Writing and Maths to their peers and they show higher rates of improving their behaviour than their peers. The progress of Children Looked After exceeds progress of their peers.
Details of our key objectives, key expenditure, and outcomes for pupils can be found in the reports below.
Academic year 2021-22
Academic year 2020-21
Academic year 2019-20
Academic year 2018-19
Academic year 2017-18
We also receive pupil premium for developing Primary Sports Provision. What is it for?
Schools have to spend the sport funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this.
In 2021-22 we received £6,833. A report of the work we did can be found here.
In 2020-21 we received £16,312. A report of the work we did can be found here.
In 2019-20 we received £16,330. A report of the work we did can be found here.
In 2018-19 we received £16,339. A report of the work we did can be found here.
In 2017-18 we received £12,934. A report of the work we did can be found here.
We carefully planned how to make the best use of this funding and appointed Jane Hawkes to be our Sports Co-ordinator. Jane works well to ensure all pupils have:
High quality PE lessons
Intraschool sports competitions
Interschool sports activities
Access to Games for Life sports clubs
Leadership opportunities for pupils in KS3 and KS4
Through this work the school was awarded a School Games Silver Award in July 2014 and School Games Gold Award in July 2015 and each year since until 2021 when we were awarded Platinum.
Covid-19 Grant Funding Stragegy Statement
2020-21: Our covid-19 grant funding strategy statement can be found here.
2021-22: Our covid-19 grant funding strategy statement can be found here.