Financial Charging

Charging for Activities


We do not charge parents for activities which are core elements of the school curriculum, but do charge or request voluntary donations for the following activities:


 ActivityCharge or request for donationSubsidies
Individual music tuition Charge Half-price for children eligible for free school meals
Educational visits Request for voluntary donation  Half-price for children eligible for free school meals
Residential activities Charge   
After school clubs Reduced charge Subsidised by the Parents and Friends Association
Ingredients and / or materials for practical subjects where the item is kept or eaten by the child Termly request for voluntary donation  
Replacement of lost books or equipment Charge  
Costs incurred as a result of deliberate damage to school buildings, property or furniture Small charge made Remaining costs of repair / replacement is covered by the school 


If a visit or activity incurs a cost, we will seek to recover as much as possible of the cost by informing parents/carers and asking for a voluntary contribution.  Non-payment of a contribution will not prevent a child from taking part in the activity (unless a parent/carer wishes their child to be excluded).  However, if voluntary contributions do not meet the majority of the total costs, the activity might be cancelled for whole group.



Paying for Activities 


ParentPay is the system we use for cashless school payments.  You can pay for things like school meals, trips and after school clubs.  If you would like to use ParentPay and you have not received your login details from the school please contact us and then login at

