Key Stage 4


There are three classes in Key Stage Four (Axe, Yeo and Frome), within our secondary department.  Most pupils are 14-16 years old.


What do we learn about?


English and Maths
Those pupils in the Formal Pathway work towards Entry Level qualifications (AQA Step Up Qualifications) towards English and Maths.  Where appropriate pupils work towards AQA GCSEs in English and Maths.


Those pupils in the Social Communication Pathway work towards pre-entry level or Entry Level qualifications in English and Maths.  These are matched closely to the pupils’ abilities.


Foundation subjects
All pupils also work towards AQA unit awards in Computing, Science, PSHCE/ Citizenship, PE, RE, Humanities, Art/ DT and Careers.


Pupils within the Social Communication pathway also take part in swimming, independence, sensory and dance therapy sessions each week.


Pupils within the Formal Pathway join an Entry Link Course at Weston College on Fridays.  They study vocational course e.g. mechanics, painting and decorating, catering, hair and beauty.

Pupils can choose which options they would like to further enhance their learning to support their aspirations for the future.  The current choices are:

• Art / Design
• Enterprise
• Drama
• Duke of Edinburgh Award- At Bronze or Silver level
• Horticulture
• Music