Post 16


Parent views

“She is really looking forward to going back to school!” (Carer)
“Since attending Ravenswood, B is a much happier girl then before”
“Ravenswood School has exceeded my expectations.  S is very happy about his school environment and seems to be thriving with the support and expertise from staff.  He now has a smile on his face!”




All our courses are designed to help students develop personal, social academic and vocational skills as outlined within their EHCPs.  They include:


• English and Mathematics qualifications:Group

- Functional Skills- Entry Level 1-3 or Level 1-2

- ASDAN Personal Progress for those working below Entry Level 1

• ASDAN Employability course
• ASDAN Personal & Social Development (PSD)
• ASDAN Personal Progress
• Sports Coach Leadership Skills
• First Aid
• Food Handling
• Communication skills

Learning is based in the community; local sports centres, other schools; Nailsea & Bristol facilities.


Pupils also have the opportunity to choose their school based options to broaden their skills, attitudes and confidence.  These can be based around their interests and aspirations and to support progression to their next stage.  Options include: 


• Enterprise: Helping to set up and run a small business
• Drama: Have the opportunity to perform on a real theatre stage
• Duke of Edinburgh Award: Offered at Bronze, Silver and Gold level
• Horticulture: Learn how to plant, care for and cook a range of vegetables
• Music: Develop musical/singing skills or just spend time appreciating different musical talents




SportsOur Post 16 facilities are also very important.  Students have their own Common Room with computers, games and a place to chat.

Even though our students are at school to learn, we recognise the importance of having fun whilst doing so.

So far this year, we have joined together to celebrate Intrasports and the Shoebox Appeal.




Students attend Weston College one day a week.  They have an opportunity to try different vocational courses and experience college life with the support of our staff.

Courses available this academic year include:

Weston College
• Catering
• Photography
• Carpentry
• Media
• Hair and Beauty
• Animal Care
• Cycle and Car Maintenance



Work Experience

Post 16 students take part in a 2 week WEX placement in the local community.  This gives each student the opportunity to develop and practise their vocational skills. Some pupils also take part in extended work placements.



Transition into Adulthood

A key priority for us is to ensure students have a well planned transition to adulthood.  We support them through a person centred approach supporting then in moving towards their next steps and future ambitions.

Leavers' Ball









Specialist Provision

Ravenswood provides:
• Teachers and Adults trained and experienced in teaching students with complex SEN
• Full time provision – 5 days a week
• Behaviour Support Team
• Family Support Advisor
• Healthcare
• Multi-Agency support
• A person centred approach in supporting transitions into adulthood including college, housing, activities in the community and managing health needs.



Student Views

“It’s bigger and it’s cool. You can wear what you want!”
“I love it – it’s so good!”
“I really enjoy going to college one day a week”

Our Post 16 department is open to students with an EHC plan.  Applications need to be made through the North Somerset SEN Team.